Adelaide Women’s and Children’s Hospital
22/08/2019SHAKE THE BOOT
22/08/2019The Firefighters Foundation has proudly been long term supporters of the Road Awareness Program (RAP).
The South Australian Metropolitan Fire Service (MFS) Road Awareness Program is a powerful presentation aimed at educating students in road awareness. RAP targets licence-aged drivers and road users at secondary schools across South Australia.
MFS Firefighters present an honest and moving Road Awareness Program where they take students on a journey to see the consequences of bad decision making. Their message is that through ‘Concentration and Commonsense’ almost all road crashes are avoidable. The MFS believes if we start with new drivers at 16 years old we can create a positive generational change in driving attitude, and significantly reduce the carnage on our roads.
Discussions focus on how people are affected by road crashes and how a young person’s life may change following a motor vehicle crash. Crash videos and photographs are also incorporated into the presentation. The videos and images are high impact but have been edited to ensure they’re suitable to be shown to Year 11 students. Crash survivors tell their story during the presentation in the hope that students will learn from their mistakes.
The program seeks to inspire students to take responsibility for their decisions and behaviour and motivate them not only to practise safe driving but to demand it amongst their peers.
For more information contact RAP