Open Day at Headquarters
09/10/2019Melbourne Cup at the Wakefield Hotel November
09/10/2019USAR Training Course Catering - Fundraising for Firefighters
The APFF was again offered the opportunity to cater for the USAR (Urban Search and Rescue) training course this year which was held between 4th and 22nd August at Angle Park. This involved providing morning tea and lunches for 40-50 people each day. The meals ranged from bbq’s, roasts, pasta and fresh rolls. Four to six volunteers were needed every day to help prepare and cook food, clean up and enjoy the day working with others, knowing that the proceeds of our efforts this year would be going to the Firefighters Welfare Account.
Many thanks to our Co-ordinator Kevin Ryan, Trevor Ward, Brian Moon, Kylie Saunders, Paul Rayner, Jarrod Sims, Simon Ebert, Paul Cayford, Gary McLennan, Nick Hoskins, Roy Paparella, our wonderful retirees – Rick Ewens, Ron Hoey, Trevor Jones, John Johnson and Mick Buckley. Also to the crews that attended from Adelaide, Salisbury and Woodville.